This shastra / knowledge is very useful for someone who wants to know about his / her career and do not like to experiment and loose time.
In vedic astrology there are many branches and among them is KP vedic astrology and
according to KP astrology the below are the set of sutras thru which we can determine if the person is going to do job or business
A) If 10th cusp sublord signfies through his starlord -> 2nd , 6th , 10th houses or 2nd , 6th houses or 6th & 10th houses or 6th , 11th houses or 6th house including other houses except 7th house then native should do paid service job to get success .
If 10th cusp sublord signifies through his starlord -> 2nd , 7th , 10th houses or , 2nd , 7th houses or 7th , 10th houses or 7th , 11th houses or 7th house including other houses except 6th house then native should do business to get success .
C) If 10th cusp sublord signfies through his
starlord -> 2nd, 6th , 7th , 10th or 6th , 7th , 10th or 6th , 7th , 11th or 6th , 7th houses including other houses then native should do job as well as business running at a time to get success or native will do job in early but after he or she will switch to business based on favourable dasha period. If 10th cusp sublord does not signifies any one of 6th or 7th house but signifies other houses then what the native should do, paid job or business ?
D) If 6th cusp sublord through his starlord signifies anyone of these houses 10th or 11th or 6th house & if 11th cusp sublord a through his star lord signifies 6th house or 10th & 6th houses or
11th & 6th houses then definitely native should do paid service job . if they are not signifies previous given houses but 7th cusp sublord through his starlord signfies 10th or 11th or 7th house & if 11th cusp sublord through his starlord signifies 7th house or 7th &10th or 7th & 11th houses then native should do business .
This shastra / knowledge is very useful for someone who wants to know about his / her career and do not like to experiment and loose time.