Happiness is an expression of realization of the satisfaction of the outcome of an events / action in our life.
I will try to simplify my view and present it step by step for an easy understanding with examples.
Lets understand it with an example : Ramesh and Suresh are good friend, went for hunting in jungle. Suresh was not interested but still because of his friend’s request had to go with him.
Ramesh shot a deer and the ran towards his kill. The Deer was bleeding and was tormenting with deep pain and was about to die.
Ramesh with great smile and happiness, put his right foot on the Deer’s body and asked Suresh to click a photograph. He wanted to show it people how brave and successful hunter he is.
On the other hand Suresh a sentimental fellow was very sad to see the Deer dying in pain. His eyes got filled with tears after seeing the tormenting Deer with pain.
Now please try to understand one thing and that is the same event had different expression in both the friend namely Ramesh and Suresh.
A single event of hunted Deer made Ramesh Happy and Suresh Sad.
The same way in our life also we perceive an event as per our understand and feeling and that trigger our expression.
Ramesh was Happy because he was satisfied with the outcome of the event and Suresh was Sad because he was NOT satisfied with the outcome of that SAME event.
A very rich man can be worried person as he is always thinking if he can continue with this same life style in future also and always worried about the wealth not to get stolen by thieves.
The worry is such that the rich man can not live and enjoy his present.
The worry of loosing makes a person unhappy.
On the other hand we can see poor home less people sleeping between the gap of the divider of the road and are in deep sleep without even the botheration of the continuous sound of the traffic.
They do not need any kind of sleeping pills to sleep at night. They take life as it come. Although they are struggling every day to get a one-time meal, BUT they are not unhappy.
I have seen many Youtube video of poor country and found most of the people in happy state in-spite of so much everyday struggle.
Its because they have nothing to lose.
So whenever a person becomes possessive about anything, he also invite the worry and unhappiness with it.
When we see great Yogi ( Saint ) in our life, one will find that they are neither happy nor they are sad.
It is because they know the truth.
The truth is that everything is temporary and only knowledge is permanent.
So for them No event / action can create or give them an expression of realization to make them happy or sad. This is the reason why they are mostly in their meditative mode ( this is a very big subject not talking much here ).
So one can be happy only when he / she do not have any bondage and are free for his / her expression and its up to how they perceive the event / actions in their life.
Just like to win a race one need to participate in the race in the same way to be happy one need to participate in the event and perceive the event in a positive and happy way.