In a vedic horoscope there are 12 bhavas / houses and each houses has its own significance. In order to learn astrology one need to start from the basics first before jumping in for predictions.
There are different streams of astrology and have their dictums which is needed to understand and implement them to the horoscope to come out with the predictions.
As per KP astrology padhatti / system if a bhava / house is signifying the previous bhava / house then it will create hurdles or deny that event of that house.
Let me explain it with example. For love affair if the 5th house is signifying 4th house then the 4th house becomes 12th house of 5th house and thus creates hurdles or deny the event.
In the same way in a vedic horoscope the 11th house is considered for friends. Friends are always supportive and they always help us in difficulties.
Enemy are the person who do not support us and on the contrary creates pains and hurdles for us. We see pain and hurdles from 8th house in a horoscope, so from 11th house of friend the 8th house which can cause pains and hurdle to a native is the 6th house.
So the 6th house is considered as enemy house in a horoscope as it will act exactly opposite to that of a friend and that is an enemy.
Astrology is very complex subject as there are so many variables and so putting all of them together and then coming out with a predictions is really a true art.