In a horoscope we access the power of a planet as per their significance and that could be positive or negative.
Every planet has power to signify good as well as bad significance.
The only difference is in the way of giving their results as per the nature of that planet.
For example if rahu is signifying 4 and 11th house ( as per KP vedic astrology ) then it will push the native to acquire lavish luxurious items like car, food and drinks, home and enjoyment at home.
Whereas if Saturn is signifying the same significance, then it will restrict the native from unnecessary expenditure and buy what is only needed and save the rest of money for the future.
Since the nature of Rahu and Ketu have very extreme and opposite nature, so there is always a question as who more powerful.
Rahu is a greedy planet and believes in all kind materialistic pleasure of life while Ketu is exactly opposite of it who believes it as waste as the experience is only temporary.
There is a misconception that rahu and ketu only give negative results, No they also give positive results.
Both the planets are same in giving their results and the nature of results depends on the significance of the planet, be it positive or negative.
Generally, we consider a planet to be more powerful which give more positive results. But it can be opposite also.
To sum up the strength of a planet depends on its significance and it could be positive or negative and the significance will vary from horoscope to horoscope so both are of same strength.