According to vedic astrology in a horoscope / kundli there are 12 bhavas / houses and each house signify many many events and things.
A house will give negative results when the signification is negative for that particular event or thing.
It may happen that the house significance is positive for an event signified by the house while for other event signified by the same house may have negative impact.
For example 4th cuspal sublord ( as per KP vedic astrology ) if signifying 3 and 9th house then the native will travel a lot ( mahadasha is not considered ). For a travel lover it is very good combination but one who is boned with family is a bad combination. This combination ( not considered other confirmation from destiny level ) also shows native leaving home and going far for higher education.
In the same way our siblings is seen from 3rd cuspal sublord, our friends and elder brother or sister is seen from 11th cuspal sublord like wise each house with represent some relations like 8th house denote mother in-law etc etc.
So every houses in a horoscope signify some relationship and as said earlier that a house will give negative results when the signification is negative for that particular event or thing.
Every planet is good and bad depending on the placement as per the horoscope.
So in order to study a particular type of relationship issue in a horoscope, then an individual need to be precise of that particular relationship and then accordingly that particular house need to studied.
For example relatives are of many kind of relationship and accordingly that house need to be studied.
In a nutshell if one can identify the relationship from the house of the horoscope then they need to study if that house is signifying positively or negatively.