In vedic horoscope there are 12 houses / bhavas and each house signifies many events of our life. ( lets not go in the academic part of astrology )
The 9th house signify name and fame and the 10th house signify status in the society. It is also to an extent support the name fame in society.
My explanation is as per KP vedic astrology.
When the 9th and 10th cuspal sublord signify negative houses like 6,8 and 12th house also 9th house as it is 12th house of 10th house, in the destiny level in the horoscope then it signifies a promises loss of reputation in the horoscope.
The time of delivery of an event is decided by mahadasha period. So the mahadasha period signifying the negative houses along with the 9th and 10th house will activate the event. The activation is done by the transit planet which acts like ON and OFF button.
Now going into deeper of astrology, the loss of reputation could be due to many events of our life. So to understand which event will cause difficulties and give trouble to reputation can be understood from the connection of 9th and 10th house significances.
There will be multiple houses showing the cause of reputations and here the astrologer need to use the dictum with logic to interpret the outcome of it.
For example : the significance like 1,2,6,7,8,9,10 and 12th house can be understood that native took loan and failed in his business and had a huge loss and unable to pay back the borrowed money and so have to face a reputation loss in his sphere in the society.
The fun of astrology is that this same above significance will give success to native moved to foreign country. So one need to analyze the horoscope very well to learn the promises of the horoscope first.
In a nutshell the loss of reputation gets activated when it is a promise in horoscope, during its delivery period of the events i.e mahadasha period thru the current transit of the planet to trigger the event.