In Vedic astrology there are 12 bhavas / houses and 9 planets in our Vedic horoscope. Each house signifies many events of an individual’s life, right from his / her birth till death.
The 7th house signify marriage, the 10th house signifies profession etc etc etc.
Likewise, the 5th house of the Vedic horoscope signify the child birth in a female’s horoscope / birth chart.
According to KP Vedic astrology the 5th cuspal sublord signify the child birth.
If the 5th cuspal sublord signify 4th, 6th, 8th and 12th house then the native ( female ) will have abortion or miscarriage. The event will activate when the current ruling mahadasha on that time is also signifying the same significances in its ruling period.
Aborting a child is equivalent to killing the baby in the womb and so if the act is done by the female voluntarily then it will be termed as killing and if it happens due to medical issue as the womb is not capable to hold then it would be termed as natural.
The intention and the nature of the female can be understood by studying much deeper in the horoscope.
There can be many many reasons and as per the reasons and by understanding the nature of the female native one can study from those angle to learn the possibilities of the voluntary involvement in killing of the babies in the womb of the female.
I hope the readers are getting the hints and so a good study on the horoscope can definitely tell if the female kills her babies in her womb.