The native wants to know why he was successful and the reason for his downfall as per vedic astrology of his horoscope.
Base on the given birth details DOB 05–11–1988 at 10:28 AM in Delhi, India and the analysis is made as per KP vedic astrology padhatti / system.
The plotted horoscope shows dhanu lagna / Sagittarius ascendant with Saturn in the 1st house, rahu in the 3rd house, mars in the 4th house, Jupiter in the 6th house, ketu in the 9th house, venus n moon in the 10th house and mercury n sun in the 11th house.
The moon is in uttarphalguni nakshatra in kanya rashi / moon is in virgo sign and the current ruling mahadasha is rahu.
In order to learn why the native had success as well as downfall as per his horoscope, one need to study the 2nd, 4th, 10th and 11th cuspal sublord. The study of the current ruling mahadasha will reveal how the dasha lords are going to give him results on the event in the life of the native during their ruling periods.
From the horoscope the 2nd cuspal sublord is rahu and its strongly signifying 2,3 and 12th house as it is in own nakshatra in the planet level, moon signifying 8 and 9th house in the sublord level and mercury strongly signifying 7 and 10th house in the sub sublord level.
The 4th and the 10th cuspal sublord is rahu and the analysis of rahu is already done so no need to repeat it again.
The 11th cuspal sublord is Saturn and its signifying 2,3 and 12th house in the planet level, ketu signifying 8,9 and 10th house in the nakshatra level and rahu strongly signifying 2,3 and 12th house as it is in own nakshatra in the sublord level.
The current ruling mahadasha is rahu and the analysis of rahu is already done so no need to repeat it again.
From the analysis I conclude that the native is going thru Rahu mahadasha and this is the period which SIGNIFY GREAT LIFT AND A GREAT DOWNFALL IS PROMISED IN THE HOROSCOPE IN DESTINY LEVEL.
The native during his success never thought of using his brain to understand everything as DURING HIS SUCCESS EVEN HE PUT HIS FINGER IN COW DUNG WAS TURNING INTO GOLD. SO HE LOST HIS ANALYTICAL POWER TO ANALYZE ANYTHING.
The nature of Rahu being greedy and loves materialistic pleasure made the native BLIND and he made mistakes after mistakes in his greed for the fulfillment of his desire. AND IN LATER STAGE WHEN HE FOUND HIMSELF IN TROUBLE, HE DID MORE MISTAKES TO COVER UP ONE MISTAKE AND THIS WENT ON, RESULTING IN A GREAT FALL.
The native should at once seek advice from a good astrologer and understand better about himself for his future.