Subir Pal Vedic Astrologer
3 min readOct 23, 2023


There is a great misconception regarding wearing a ring of Blue sapphire. Many create a huge fear in the mind of people that blue sapphire gemstone is very powerful and also malefic in nature and it doesn’t suit people easily.

There are people saying that before wearing a ring of blue sapphire one need to keep the gemstone in the pocket for few days under observation to see if any untoward incident is happening or not.

Some people tell that one should keep the blue sapphire gemstone under pillow at night and sleep. If one donot get bad dreams and have good sound sleep then only it indicates that the gemstone did suite the native who wants to wear it in the ring.

There are also a set of people who will tell to wrap the blue sapphire gemstone in a small blue piece of fabric and tie it on the upper arm and see if he feels good and nothing untoward incident happen for 2 days.

If nothing happens then it is understood that the gemstone suited that native and he can use it in his ring.

Suppose the native stumble and fall down during walking during testing period then it is given to understand that the gemstone doesn’t suit the native.

Like this there are so many illiterate man made rules made which has no place in real Shasta but people made it according to their convince to sell it.

Some people scare about it to sell something else, so its a marketing technique. And there are people without proper information about the subject takes credit among people speaking negative about something which they heard from someone and do not know if it is true.

According to ratna shastra even a mooti / pearl worn it in ring can give very negative effect if moon is badly placed in a horoscope, but as per general people mooti / pearl can be worn by any person without consultation and do not harm

There are ways to select the gemstone according to vedic astrology which are on the basis of the positions of the planets placed in one’s horoscope. It is not selected as per wimps and fancies of the astrologer or by the person as per his budget.

No one one can guague the effect of the gemstone as there is not gadget to guague it. People understand its effect after a long time when the see back from where they have started.

A correct gemstone recommended after studying the horoscope of that native will definitely benefit him.

A wrong gemstone will always harm the person, and it is not that only blue sapphire harm a person if wrongly wore. Even a pearl can harm a person, so please don’t make or understand the blue sapphire is very dangerous stone.

Like all other gemstones, it is also one among them and does all generic functions which all other gemstones does. So its absolutely safe and no worry to wear a blue sapphire.

blue sapphire ring



Subir Pal Vedic Astrologer
Subir Pal Vedic Astrologer

Written by Subir Pal Vedic Astrologer

Subir Pal is one among the best vedic astrologer in India practicing vedic astrology for more than 20 years. https://www.subirtalksastrology.com

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