The native has 4 planets in 12th house and wants advice for financial problems as per Vedic astrology of his horoscope.
Based on the given birth details DOB 01–08–1968 at 9:30 AM in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India and the analysis is done as per KP Vedic astrology padhatti / system.
The plotted horoscope shows simha lagna / leo ascendant with Jupiter in 1st house, ketu in 2nd house, moon in 3rd house, rahu in 8th house, Saturn in 9th house and mercury sun venus n mars in 12th house.
The moon is in swathi nakshatra in thula rashi / moon in libra sign and the current ruling mahadasha is mercury.
In order to learn about the financial problem of the native as per his horoscope, one need to study the 2nd, 6th and 11th cuspal sublord. The study of the current ruling mahadasha will revel how he dasha lords are going to give their results on the events in the life of the native during their ruling periods.
From the horoscope the 2nd cuspal sublord is Saturn and its signifying 5,6,7 and 8th house in the planet level, ketu signifying 1,2 and 11th house in the nakshatra level and venus signifying 3,10 and 11th house in the sublord level.
The 6th cuspal sublord is mercury signifying 2 and 11th house in the planet level, Saturn signifying 5,6,7 and 8th house in the nakshatra level and venus signifying 3,10 and 11th house in the sublord level.
Mercury is in conjunction with mars signifying 4,9 and 11th house.
Mercury is in conjunction with sun signifying 1,11 and 12th house.
The 11th cuspal sublord is moon signifying 2 and 11th house in the planet level, rahu signifying 7,8 and 12th house in the sublord level and mercury signifying 2 and 11th house in the sub sublord level.
Mercury is in conjunction with mars signifying 4,9 and 11th house.
Mercury is in conjunction with sun signifying 1,11 and 12th house.
There is punarphoo yoga in the horoscope.
The current ruling mahadasha is mercury and the analysis of mercury is already done so no need to repeat it again.
From the analysis I conclude that the native DOES NOT HAVE ANY FINANCIAL PROBLEMS AS PER HIS HOROSCOPE but since he had worked very hard to earn lot of money and so he feels concern for it of not losing it as he has faced though days in his life when he had lack of money and had to face many sever problems then.
The native has a phobia of losing his money and so he wanted to double checking by presenting wrong questions in the open platform to understanding his destiny so that he can take precaution if needed and its free.
If the prediction given is not correct then the birth details given are wrong as the birth chart erected with the given birth details do not shows financial problems.