Generally whenever we come across the word opposite then the correct dictatorial meaning comes before our eyes which is diametrically different.
Since the comparison is of two horoscopes as per the native the ascendants are opposite with same planets in the houses, it need not mean that every events of a horoscope will be opposite in the other horoscope.
Here we are discussing a question without a real horoscope and presenting my view with astrological reasons.
We have perfect examples of twins in our society where we find that one of the twin is wealth whereas the other is not, one is alive and other is dead, one is famous and other is not etc etc etc.
Here when we see the horoscope superficially then we will find that both the horoscope looks same / alike, but DESTINY of both the twins are different. So it is understood that each horoscope is unique and a smallest difference can create a huge difference in the destiny of a person.
According to KP vedic astrology padhatti / system, a planet gives its results of its nakshatra lord and the planet itself becomes the medium and the sublord decides the quality of the results.
So as per the dictum it can happen that both the horoscope have good destinies in all events of life, will not be exactly the same but not that bad to be defined as opposite.
This can be a probability and it is definitely not true and cannot be true that two horoscopes with opposite ascendant have same planets in the houses will have either opposite or same destiny.
A dictum of astrology is a law of astrology which is applicable to all horoscope and where ever it is not applicable or cannot be applied is not a dictum of astrology and one cannot say that whenever there is such combination then this results will only happen.
So in a nutshell one cannot tell anything without studying the real horoscopes as merely opposite ascendant with same planets in the house holds no meaning.