There are many versions of the retrograde planet in vedic astrology and as I am a KP vedic astrologer so I will only talk as per KP astrology only.
As per astrology much weight is given to the lagna and its lord as it is the chief governor of our destiny in a horoscope.
A strong lagna will always help the native in his weak period in fighting out of that situation by giving his strength.
The same lagna in good period will multiply the good factors multiple time.
A weak lagna during crisis will not cope up with the situation and would easily surrender before the situation.
A weak lagna can not take much advantage of its good period and thus effect the results of the destiny of a person.
As per KP astrology a retrograde planet will never deny its results as per its significations in that horoscope BUT WILL DELAY THE EVENT.
So as per KP astrology when the lagna lord is retro it will show its delay effect in fighting with the situations during crisis as well as in good period. This is the reason why in bad period the native will not be able to come out of the crisis soon due to the retograde lagna lord which will give its delay effect.
On the other hand in good period also the retrograde lagna lord will not let the native have the full results or impact of his good period because of the retro effect of the lagna lord.
In a nutshell the retro lagna lord will delay the matter but definitely will not deny its significations as per the horoscope.