When we start our learning of basic Vedic astrology, it is taught that 6,8 and 12th house are bad house and 1,4,7 and 10th are good house in general.
As one progress in his study then one will understand that 6,8 and 12th house being bad house can also give good results and the good house 1,4,7 and 10th can also give bad results.
So as one reaches higher knowledge of astrology, he / she will learn that every house of the Vedic horoscope is good, bad and neutral. So, there do not exist good and bad house exclusively in a horoscope.
A house acts as good or bad house as per the event in the horoscope.
For example for service / job 6th is a good house and one does study the 6th cuspal sublord ( as per KP Vedic astrology ) and its significances to understand about the job, but for marriage 6th house is not auspicious as it is 12th from 7th house of marriage which shows conflicts.
The 4th house signify property, home, vehicle, basic study etc but when we analyze about the child birth or love affair then this 4th house in the signification of 5th cuspal sublord shows denial of the event as 4th house is 12th from 5th house.
The 9th house signify long journey and 12th house signify different geographical location and so the 9th and 12th combination signify foreign travel when 3rd, 9th and 12th cuspal sublord signify 9th and 12th house.
The combination of 1st 6th and 12th signify ill health and hospitalization when the sublord of 1st and 6th cuspal sublord signify 1,6 and 12th house.
Here 1st house being good but in combination with 6 and 12th giving bad results.
So, the reader can understand that when one understands astrology very well then, every house is good and every house is bad and neutral as well. It all depends on the event and how the house contributes for that event.