For an astrology beginner the 12th house is considered as a negative house. It is termed as house of loss.
A general understanding is that 12th house a house of loss is like a black hole, what goes in do not come out.
Only understanding of astrology perfectly can interpret the correct out come of it.
In our analysis of a vedic horoscope ( as per KP astrology padhatti ) the wealth of a native is seen by studying the 2nd, 6th and 11th. This is generally taught to every to every student of vedic astrology.
The cuspal sublords should signify 2,6 and 11th house to understand the strength of wealth in one’s horoscope.
Till now the study and the dictum is perfect.
Now when a person ask if he can become a billionaire / very rich, then it is not enough to have to study only 2,6 and 11th cuspal sublord.
A person can only become billionaire / rich, when he multiply his wealth. The 2nd cuspal sublord is only signifying the wealth of a person like a pass book of a bank. It’s a static wealth as it itself cannot grow.
Here 12th house come into play. It is a very important house to make a person super-rich.
A person can become super rich only when he can multiply his wealth. And for multiplying his wealth, one need to INVEST it. And 12th house of a horoscope is the house of investment.
If 12th cuspal sublord is also signifying positive houses along with the 2nd, 6th and 11th cuspal sublord then only a person can become a super-rich / billionaire.
The significance of the 12th cuspal sublord will denote the arena of investments.
So 12th house is multiplying the wealth and not a loss making house and for a person to become a super-rich his 12th cuspal sublord should also be a contributor to the event.
One should not forget the mahadasha ruling period, as it also need to support with its significations during its ruling periods.