The answer to the question is YES AND NO and one need to understand why as astrology is pure understanding.
There are dictums / rules in astrology and an event happens only if it qualifies all the dictums.
These dictums are in many variables and one need to collectively make prediction taking all the variable dictums into consideration. And this is where most of the people commit error in their judgments. Its really very complex.
In judging / studying a horoscope there are few rules that one need to follow and that is to be followed step by step only. One cannot skip a step and jump to the last step to meet that dictum.
If the 1st step dictum do not qualify then there is no need to proceed further. In the same way if any of the step dis-qualify the dictum then one should stop there and not to proceed further.
For example : In case of marriage one need to study first if marriage is promised in the horoscope. There are many variables that is needed to be considered in judging the promise of marriage in the horoscope.
If the event is promised in the horoscope, then one should proceed further to study the time of delivery of that event. It is seen from the study of the mahadasha and its sub and sub sub periods called antardasha, pratiantardasha, prandasha etc.
Transit of the planet is also important to study as it will help determining the time of delivery of an event by activating that event during its transit.
Now back to the root question : Yes marriage can happen if :
- Marriage is promised in the horoscope and not merely as Jupiter being the lord of 7th house because a planet gives results of its nakshatra its placed in and the planet itself becomes the source of it and the sublord speaks about the quality of the event as per KP vedic astrology.
2. The mahadasha as well as the antardasha should support the event of marriage so Rahu and Jupiter both should signify the house of marriage.
3. The transit of the planet is to be taken into consideration to see when it would activate the event.
Judging of the promise cannot be determined only by Jupiter being the 7th house lord. There are other planets that is needed to be considered as every planet contribute in a horoscope.
There are conjunction and aspects of planet which has the ability to change the nature of the event is also a parameter in deciding the promise of the event in the horoscope.
There are many more parameters that determine the promise of the event in a horoscope.
What looks superficially very simple is actually not that simple, but complicated. Its only the understanding of astrology makes it simple for a learned person to make a prediction form it.