As per traditional astrology Manglik person will be devoid of marital happiness in life. Either the marriage/ partnership ends due to a tragedy/ accident/ injury involving the native himself/ herself or involving the spouse or both.
Also the marriage is full of fighting, misunderstanding and lack of happiness till it lasts. Divorce/ separation (temporary or permanent) result
Accordingly, a very negative dosha to have in a horoscope and it limits the marital bliss a person might enjoy in their life unless they marry another Manglik, in which case the blemish gets neutralized to a large extent.
As per traditional astrology when Mars resides in house — 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th in a horoscope, Mangal dosha exists. An individual with a Mangal dosha is called a Manglik.
Mars dosha is also considered from the Moon and the above locations from Moon rashi will indicate a Manglik dosha as well.
KP system of astrology doesn’t consider this aspect of Mars dosha as the result of the 7th house is given by the significators of the cuspal sublord of that house.
If the cuspal sublord of the 7th house signifies 6,8,10,12th house house then there arise problems in the marriage. Not elaborating further on the nature of the problems, here in KP astrology the significance of the cuspal sublords of the 7th house is given prime importance as it delivers the results of that house. As per KP astrology the cuspal sublord of the 7th house should signify 2,5,7 and 11th house for a person to get married. It is seen that 8th house significance also gives marriage, but will definitely give some pain of its house effect.