The native wants to know if her chart shows divorce as per vedic astrology of her horoscope.
Based on the given birth details DOB 15–06–1997 at 04:03 PM in Galle, Sri Lanka and the analysis is done as per KP vedic astrology padhatti / system.
The plotted horoscope shows thula lagna / libra ascendant with Jupiter in 4th house, Saturn n ketu in 6th house, mercury in 8th house, venus n sun in 9th house and mars moon n rahu in 12th house.
The moon is in chitra nakshatra in kanya rashi / moon in virgo sign and the current ruling mahadasha is Jupiter.
In order to learn about the marriage relationship as per the horoscope of the native, one need to study the 7th cuspal sublord. The study of the current ruling mahadasha will reveal how the dasha lords are going to give their results on the events in the life of the native during their ruling periods.
From the horoscope the 7th cuspal sublord is Jupiter and its signifying 3,4 and 6th house in the planet level, mars signifying 2,7 and 11th house in the nakshatra level and Saturn strongly signifying in the 4,5 and 6th house as its untenanted in the sublord level.
Mars is in conjunction with rahu signifying 2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11 and 12th house.
From the analysis I conclude that the native will not have happy marriage relationship and there will be difference of opinions with her spouse.
If the native can understand herself and define a limit and not do arguments which could turn ugly and try to synch with her spouse then she can easily live happily.
The divorce is an event divorce is between 2 parties and so both the horoscope of the girl and boy needed to be studied as one do not know as to how the boy will support the girl in mending with the relationships issues.
If the boy’s horoscope shows good bondage in married relationship and no divorce then the girls with little adjustment with her personalities can very easily duck divorce and lead a very happy married life.
So when an event is between 2 parties then a single horoscope can not confirm an event if there is a hope in it.
My best wishes for the native for her future ahead.