When sun is in 10th house and Jupiter is in 4th house then both will aspect each other thru their 7th aspect. Jupiter will also aspect the 8th and 12th house of the horoscope also.
The impact of sun makes a person very focused in his career and will always like to improve upon and progress. The native will like to have status and will always like to be in management grade in his profession.
In many horoscopes such native have an inclination to be in government jobs and politics. These people are known in their circle. The diameter of the circle depends on the name fame of that person.
Some people are also workaholic as they are always focused in their profession.
They will love to showcase their property or vehicles and their knowledge to society.
Jupiter will make an individual equipped with many knowledges. These are the person who are jack of all trades and master of none. This is the reasons why the native with 4th house Jupiter has so much knowledge for various kinds.
The native will have big house and mostly their house will be near temple or school or both.
The native will be inclined towards spiritual as well as occultism knowledge. They will have some knowledge as said previously.
This kind of person has inborn management abilities to handle a group and direct them and so they are mostly seen in managemental kind of jobs.
The native will love spending for his home and would be happy to do it again and again.
The school education may face hurdles of such native, but will pass out will good percentages.
They have a good grasping power and because of which they learn things quickly.
These people are also seen settled far away from their birth place.
They love to have many properties as well as vehicles. They are fond to reading books and so they will also have a good collection of books.
Today people do not collect books as books are available in eBook form / pdf form etc and in many online platforms so it may happen that they do not collect hard copies now a days.
It is also seen that this native likes sweet very much and will like to eat sweet at night before going to sleep also.
PLEASE NOTE : These are all general information as other planets and their impacts and mahadasha period is not considered here and so some of the general predict may be right where others not.
The predictions are the promises of each horoscope as per the impacts of all the 9 planets and not just 1 or 2 planets.