By taking care / service ( seva ) of our mother and loving her, is one of the remedies in vedic astrology to strengthen weak moon and have peace stability in one’s life.
The 4th house of our vedic horoscope signify many things like our home, properties, vehicles, basic education etc etc AND OUR MOTHER.
In the Kaal Purush kundli the 4th house / bhava is karka rashi / cancer sign and the lord is moon. The significator of mother is also moon.
It is seen that a person having 4th house afflicted due to malefic planets and or the is moon afflicted due to its placement, with malefic planets or debilitated, a person do have problem with the significances signified by the 4th cuspal sublord and the significances of the moon as per the horoscope, as well as the 4th house significances.
It is also seen that these people struggle with their finance and are always in crisis.
Moon is the fasted moving planet in our horoscope and so it has the ability to give result very fast and so if one can make moon strong then they will get faster results.
The service / seva should be from our heart and not superficial or money oriented one.
One who do not have their mother ( as they passed away ), they can help and give their services to old women.
There could be many thinking that they do not have good relationship with their mother due to many reasons so how can they do that.
Well one need to shade away the differences and have a thought of a monk and do one-way seva / service without giving attention to the repercussions from her. Think your service to mother as a one-way ticket and do it whole heartedly.
You will see the change in your life.
One who did not take care of their mother and she is no more and the person is suffering from crisis can do seva / service of old women as a remedy.
There could be people who do not like to keep their mother with them and like to send only money that could take care of her is not a service / seva as love and affection is lacking and it is merely doing a duty without feeling.
Circumstantial problem is understood by GOD also and that could have an excuse.
Our mother is equivalent to GOD as she brought us in this world by taking pain to give birth keeping us in her womb for 9 months.
As per doctor, the blood pressure is very high during child birth delivery time, and a mother risk HER LIFE to give birth to her child.
She ( mother ) is GOD.
Doing services / seva to mother should be seen as worshipping GOD. Her blessing is very powerful and has miracle to give transformation in our life.