In order to understand the house activation in a horoscope, one need to understand it step by step as vedic astrology is very complex knowledge.
Readers with little basic knowledge of vedic astrology will catch it fast and other will like to read twice to get it. I will still try to write it in simple universal way so that readers get it in first reading.
I will explain the theory as per KP vedic astrology padhatti / system.
An event in a person’s life happens when it gets ACTIVTED thru mahadasha or thru an action that give rise to an event. The important fact is that the event in a person’s life happen ONLY WHEN IT IS DESTINED / PROMISED IN HIS / HER HORSCOPE IN DESTINY LEVEL.
The destiny of the wife is also impacted by the destiny of the husband and vise-versa, as they got married and live together to building and prospering with the family.
A classic example is seen that many people saying that after their marriage their destiny got elevated and they made prosperities in life and vise-versa.
After the birth of the child many people says that they had their destiny elevated, had promotions and had many other good things happened in their life and vise-versa.
Likewise, when a married person takes loan then as per KP vedic astrology padhatti / system it is seen from the 6th cuspal sublord.
The dictum says when the 6th cuspal sublord signifies 2,8 and 11th house then a person gets loan. Both the sublord as well as the nakshatra lord should not be retrograde.
Now when a person is taking loan then he is activating his 6th house which is in turn activating 2,8 and 11th house to activate the event.
In the native’s horoscope the 7th house represents his wife and so when we rotate the chart / horoscope / kundli and make 7th house as the ascendant for his wife’s horoscope from his horoscope, then the activation of the loan signifies as 12th house signifying 2,5 and 8th house.
So, in native’s wife’s horoscope from native’s horoscope, the 12th house representing hospitalization, 2nd house acts as marak house and 8th house give operations, pain and frustration, difficulties etc and 5th house denotes medications.
For repayment of the loan the dictum says that the 12th cuspal sublord should signify 2nd, 11th and 12th house and both the sublord as well as the nakshatra lord should not be retrograde.
So, while making repayment of the loans in instalments the activation of the houses in the native’s wife’s horoscope thru his horoscope is 5th, 6th and 8th house.
So, in native’s wife’s horoscope from native’s horoscope, the 6th house denotes disease and the 8th house denotes operations, pain and frustration, difficulties etc and 5th house denotes medications.
So here with the example one can understand how thru activation of an event can give rise to another activation of event.
So the loan procurement activated the health issue of the native’s wife.
Please do not have a general understanding of it and get scared to procure loan thinking your wife will fell ill ha ha ha ha ha . . . . . . If you get scared then understand that you did not understand this astrology, then please read it again.