As per astrology the destiny get fixed the moment a person takes birth in this world.
Today it is seen that some sets of people try to get good time for the birth of their child from the astrologer in order to see their child getting the best luck for his future. They go for cesarean delivery as per the good time given by the astrologer.
These people want to have custom made destiny for their child. It is wish of every parent that their child should prosper well in their life with not much of hurdles, with lots of wealth and comforts. It is natural and nothing wrong in it.
In reality is it possible that a person can design the birth of his child with such perfection that his child become luckiest child since his birth ??
No it is not possible even if the person is very wealthy and consult best of best astrologers of the world and seek their guidance to give birth to a child as per the best astrological time for the child’s best future ahead.
In order to explain this I need to take up an example of twin birth. In our society we have seen many twins. Not both the twins have same duplicate / identical destiny if one have noticed.
We see one of the twin to be rich while the other with moderate income, one good in education while the other is not, one have long age while the other died early, one have good married life while the other has got divorce etc etc etc.
Both the twins do not have same destiny and there is always a difference in their destiny, in smaller way or bigger way but has to have as no horoscope are same, each horoscope is unique.
Now the question is why is it so that the twins have different destiny when there is just 2 minutes difference between the two births of the child.
According to KP vedic astrology a small time of 2 minutes difference has a great impact in giving a change in one’s destiny.
A doctor who is doing the cesarean delivery as per the given time given by the astrologer cannot meet that accuracy of his timing as it would be fatal for the child and his mother and there will be difference even if by 01 seconds will definitely give its impact in the destiny level.
Secondly just for the sake to attend the artificial timing of birth, the birth itself will be considered as an abnormal birth as per vedic astrology as it did not meet the natural conditions and tried to customized it and that is trying to overrule the timing of an event decided by GOD.
Since one cannot achieve the smallest difference in time so a custom made cesarean child birth will be of no use as GOD has not given that power to any human being to create his / her destiny on his own. It is completely decided by GOD and no one else.
So in a nutshell custom made cesarean delivery of a child cannot be done to meet bright future of a child.