The native wants to know if there is success in music as per Vedic astrology of his chart / horoscope.
Based on the given birth details DOB 23–11–1994, TOB 11:12pm, San Ignacio, Belize and the analysis is done as per KP Vedic astrology padhatti / system.
The plotted horoscope shows simha lagna / leo ascendant with mars in 1st house, mercury venus n rahu in 3rd house, Jupiter n sun in 4th house, Saturn in 7th house, ketu in 9th house and moon in 12th house.
The moon is in pushya nakshatra in kark rashi / moon in cancer sign and the current ruling mahadasha is venus.
In order to learn if the native will succeed in music as per his horoscope / chart, one need to study the 5th and 10th cuspal sublord. The study of the current ruling mahadasha will reveal how the dasha lords are going to give their results on the events in the life of the native during their ruling periods.
From the horoscope the 5th cuspal sublord is venus and its 3 and 10th in the planet level, rahu signifying 3,10 and 11th house in the nakshatra level and Jupiter strongly signifying 4,5 and 9th house as its untenanted in the sublord level.
Rahu is in conjunction with mercury signifying 3 and 11th house.
Jupiter is in conjunction with sun signifying 1,2 and 4th house.
The 10th cuspal sublord is rahu and its signifying 3,10 and 11th house in the planet level and Jupiter strongly signifying 4,5 and 9th house as its untenanted in the sublord level as well as in the sub sublord level.
Rahu is in conjunction with mercury signifying 3 and 11th house.
Jupiter is in conjunction with sun signifying 1,2 and 4th house.
The current ruling mahadasha is venus and the analysis of venus is already done so there is no need to repeat it again.
From the analysis I conclude that YES music is promise in the horoscope / chart and so the native can pick it as career, BUT BUT BUT one thing the native should bear it in mind that he will not have job satisfaction and it will come late in life when the native becomes matured in life and so there will be a mental struggle for job satisfaction, as a result the native will switch from company to company for better prospect.