QUESTION ASKED : Does 4th House Ketu always mean that the native will be deprived from mother or mother’s love or have bad relation with mother? Somebody said this to me that my baby has this placement and now I’m afraid. I love him so dearly. Can anyone please help ?
MY VIEWS : In KP Vedic astrology one understands the significance of a house from its sublord and it donot consider the number of planets placed in that house.
According to KP Vedic astrology a planet gives results of it nakshatra lord and the planet itself becomes the source of it and the sublord shows the quality of the event.
Suppose the cuspal sublord of the 4th house is a X planet and its signifying good houses then even if ketu is positioned in the 4th house, the native will enjoy good events signified by that house.
Vedic astrology is very complex and one cannot be judgmental with only one planet position.
A prediction is made out of many many small small parameters weaved together to give a final prediction. Its like a garland which represents the final predictions and the small flowers of the garland are the parameters.
The native need not worry at all and be enlighten after reading this article and enjoy life without any tension.