In a horoscope the 12th house denote loss and it is not one thing that it denote very strongly, there are many other events in one’s life that the 12th ALSO denotes.
In general the 12th house in a horoscope is always said as loss and so the word LOSS is more high-lighted in our brain and therefore one derive a wrong understanding about the 12th house having little knowledge of vedic astrology.
Definitely the 12th house in a horoscope gives the effect of its loss, but in combinations with other houses for an event gives wonderful results.
As per KP vedic astrology a single house cannot give any events in the life of a native unless and until it is combined with other houses.
Let’s see how with the combination of the 12th house with other houses in a horoscope gives favorable wonderful results for a native.
- When a person wants to buy a home then 12th house plays a important role. Here the combination effect of 4, 2,11 and 12th house will produce the result of the purchase of a new home for a native. The 4th house denotes the NEW HOME, 2nd house shows the wealth in term of new house and finance, 11th house shows wish fulfillment and the 12th house shows the LOSS OF MONEY TO BUY THE HOME.
2. The combination of 3,9 and 12th is very effective in giving foreign travel. Here the 3rd house acts as 12th of the 4th house where you live current and thus denote leaving home, 9th house shows long journey and the 12th house shows different location, geography, culture, people and environment.
3. The combinations of 2,12 and 11th house give good results for people who are investing their money in fixed deposits in banks or any financial institutions. Here the 2nd house denotes finance, 12th house denoted loss of finance from hand into fixed deposit in bank and the 11th house shows the job accomplishment.
So it is seen that the 12th house is not all about LOSS ONLY and is not completely negative house in terms of its results.
One need to come out and view the horoscope / kundli with open mind and not just that 6,8 and 12th house means problems and problems.