Astrologically the chances of two people who were born in same birthday at the different time in different places or same place having the same horoscope, cannot have same horoscope reading i.e 100% its not possible, a very simple and straight forward answer.
In our daily life there are many events which are common with many people and if one takes that small number of events into account and try to co-relate then that is not correct as then there will be many many people having such possibilities of readings.
When we talk about same reading means, it should be exactly same for all the events of life and not few, which is as I said astrologically not possible.
It is because in vedic astrology there are many many variables in a horoscope for a single out come of prediction and having exactly same variable match for all the events is not possible.
The 5th cusp of the horoscope denotes children, so one can get information about his / her child by studying the 5th cusp of the horoscope of the parents of that child.
This proves that there is a karmic bondage between parents and the child which is already decided by God.
In the same way one can gather information of mother and father from the child’s horoscope where from 4th cusp one gets information about mother and from 9th cusp, his father.
So, the connection between the child with his / her parent is established which gives a unique destiny to the child although another child was born along with this child.
Now the parents can be rich, moderate rich, poor or beggar and accordingly the destiny of the child will be.
A child born in rich man’s family will have good facilities for their child where as the child born from a beggar parent will lack in childhood facilities.
In the same way the prosperity of a child will happen as per the background strength of their parents.
Here I don’t say that the child from a beggar’s family can not become a doctor, YES he can also be a doctor like the rich man’s child but will not have all the same facilities like that of the rich man’s child.
Let’s understand it more clearly with more example
Both the richman’s son and the poor man’s son expressed their discomfort of their journey to college one day.
The poor man’s son said that the bus was late and was over crowded and so he could not sit and had to travel standing all the way sweating and pain in legs because of standing for a long time.
The rich man’s son also expressed his discomfort journey and said that his car was giving problem and so he had to give it for repair and had to stand in sunlight heat for some time to get a taxi to reach college. He also got sweated while getting a taxi.
Here both the person had discomfort journey to college, is a common event BUT the degree and the fashion of their discomfort were different. So, in a common word one can say that both had the discomfort in their journey but when one study in deep to understand then they will find the difference.
Both the child is telling the truth as both experienced the discomfort as per their standard of living.
So with this simple example I tried to explain that the event can be same but the quality will be different.
The karmic bondage with the parent it self proves that the reading cannot be same and the birth of a person is itself the reflection of his past karma.
I understand that its still bit confusing for the readers, so please it again you will definitely understand.