According to KP vedic astrology a planet give results of its nakshatra lord and itself becomes the source of it and the sublord shows the quality of the results.
So, the simple answer is YES one can achieve success in Ketu mahadasha.
In fact, one can achieve success or failure in all planet’s mahadasha. The only difference is the kind of success or failure will be as per significances of the planet and its nature.
So, there is no reason to believe that ketu mahadasha destroy everything during its ruling period. ( that’s I call foolish astrology )
Like for example a failure under moon mahadasha will give more mental pressure / frustration as moon is the karak / significator of mind.
Likewise, one need to understand the nature of the planet and access the success or failure as per the significances of that horoscope and its nature.
Unlike rahu, ketu do not believe in materialistic pleasure and is not a greedy planet. Since Ketu it is a headless planet so it takes time in its realization and so the person feels detached under its influence.
The other reason for ketu not liking materialistic pleasure and taste anything is because the sense of taste and pleasure can be felt by the interpretation of our brain and ketu donot have head.
This is the reason when Ketu is active or a person is influenced by ketu, native actually seek and prefer solitude. Native quite loves to being alone, and remember that self-isolation is not loneliness, it just means you are taking time for yourself between regular social interactions.
So the success of a person during his / her ketu mahadasha period will not be felt that much and the person will not cherish his / her success and enjoy it like every other do.
The interpretation of success for ketu is as if he has already tasted success before and so what is it now, nothing new for him, so no excitement and its just like a daily routine.
Ketu will eat a rasgulla / rosogolla after squeezing out the sugar syrup telling sugar is bad for health. So, he is eating the rasgulla / rosogolla but will not enjoy it as he sneezed out the sugar syrup.
So, in a nut shell it is not that ketu always destroy everything during its mahadasha period and so it is not a dictum and one can also achieve success in ketu mahadasha and its depends on the significances signified by ketu in that particular individual’s horoscope.