Firstly one need to understand that even if a planet is debilitated, it will give its results be it positive or negative as per the significance of it in that horoscope.
According to KP vedic astrology a planet gives the results of the nakshatra lords and the planet itself becomes the source of it and the sublord shows the quality of the event.
there is a MISCONCEPTION among people that a debilitated planet will give only negative results. No no a planet give the results of its significance in that horoscope and it could be positive or negative as per the significance.
Now if we take into consideration that Jupiter is signifying negative, so it doesn’t mean that by becoming spiritual one can minimize the negativity of it. NO WAY AT ALL.
The path of spiritualism is not a conditioned one and one need to be very devotional and dedicated and once a person is in spiritual path then he do not need to see at his horoscope and do not need any remedy for him. He has surrendered himself before GOD, and God will take of everything ( everything in broad sense ).
Coming back to astrological aspect, if a person does the remedy of being spiritual for his relationship issues in his love life or married life then this remedy will not work at all as it is against the principle in spiritual path.
One need to study the significance of debilitated Jupiter and do remedy as per its signification of the events from that horoscope and not just taking up spiritualism as Jupiter is the lord of Sagittarius and Pisces in the Kaal Purush Kundli.
One need to study what role Jupiter playing in that horoscope and accordingly one should suggest the remedy and NOT CONDITIONED SPIRITUALISM.