Today I am going to discuss about the activation technique in Vedic astrology.
I WILL DISCUSS THE SAME WITH A LIVE CASE STUDY WITH IN MY EXTENDED FAMILY. Of course, the case study is quite wired one but from academic point of view it is very useful for students of astrologer eager to learn and understand astrology more deeper.
My elder cousin brother passed away on 24th January 2024 and its really shocking news for all of us in our family.
I had a call from my younger cousin brother that his elder brother is no more.
He was sobbing and telling me that what an incident that in one had he had a promotion letter and other the other hand sad new of his elder brother’s expiry.
I did console him and even I was also moved. I was also thinking about the good and bad news of my younger cousin brother and feeling sad that he cannot even express about his good news.
Suddenly the activation technique of astrology struck my mind and I was curious to know if there is any relation between the 2 events of good and bad news. As per the principle there has to have a linkage between the 2 events ( promotion letter of my younger cousin brother and death of elder cousin brother ). So I made this investigation.
I am explaining this technique as per KP Vedic astrology.
In Vedic horoscope of my younger cousin the 11th house signify the elder brother and I have rotated it to 11th house to make it as the ascendant of the elder cousin brother as his horoscope.
The 2,4,7,8 and 12th house are the significance to be studied for person who is no more. The 2nd and 7th is badakesh ( hurdles ) as well as markesh ( death giver ) and 4,8 and 12th house signifies the exit from this earth.
Now we come back to the younger cousin’s horoscope then we will see that 2, 5, 6, 10 and 12th are the houses which is signifying the expiry of his elder brother and these houses got activated to give the sad event.
Now these same houses which got activated in my younger cousin’s horoscope is also giving some event to him and that is his PROMOTION IN JOB.
Promotion in KP Vedic astrology is seen from 2,6,10 and 11th house. This is dictum.
Here we can see 2, 6 and 10th house to giving him the job promotion.
But there is 5th and 12th house also which got activated.
On asking my younger cousin told me that the job promotion is not within the organization, but transfer ( signified by 12th house ) and so my cousin is thinking if the transfer is very far then he may not consider the promotion, which is signified by the 5th house which is negating the event.
Here the readers can see how beautiful is our Vedic astrology that it reflects each and everything so accurately that one can easily understand the linkage between both the good and the sad event.
Every event has a linkage with other and it is up to us how we establish the link and learn the activation.
Here the readers need to understand that activation means it just trigger the event but the event need to be promised in the destiny level in that person’s horoscope and then only the event will happen. So please don’t understand it otherwise. . . ha ha ha ha ha ha . . . .
You understood what I meant . . . .ha ha . . brothers having quarrel will like seek promotion by hook or crook to get rid of elder brother . . . No not possible why . . . read it again, you will definitely understand. . . . ha ha ha . . .