Question Asked : What are the factors that decide if a person has potential to become rich in his life by Vedic astrology?
My Views : Vedic astrology is such a shastra where a person can learn about almost every possible event in a person’s life from his / her Vedic horoscope.
There are many many events in a person’s life like education, higher education, career, profession, marriage, child birth etc etc etc.
Likewise, one can also learn about someone’s potential to become rich in his / her life as per their Vedic horoscope.
According to KP Vedic astrology system the 2nd, 6th and 11th cuspal sublord are the chief to make one rich.
These sublords should signify 2,4,6,7,10 and 11th house in a Vedic horoscope as per KP Vedic astrology.
As it is known that the timing of the delivery of an event is seen from the mahadasha ruling planet. So to become rich the mahadasha should also signifying the same event during their activation period AND the activation period should operate during the young age of the native i.e during one’s career time.
This is the time when a person thru his / her hard work can make huge money to be rich.
There are negative ways also to be rich and lets not discuss about it.
There are people who become rich without doing much hard work and they get huge wealth from their parent or ancestral wealth.
This is also a kind of luck which can be know from the Vedic horoscope. The 8th cuspal sublord give the clue if someone will get ancestral wealth when the 8th cuspal sublord signify 2nd , 4th, 8th and 11th house supported by the running mahadasha.
Basically the 8th house shows unearned income and that can be from rent, commission / brokerage and even lottery and gambling also.
Here in the article, I have just given an idea with the basic dictum of KP Vedic astrology for understanding. There are many other parameters that is need to study also before arriving at the predictions.
In a nutshell one can very easily learn if a person has potential to be rich as per his horoscope. How much rich cannot be quantified.