QUESTION ASKED : The 12th house in Vedic astrology is known as a house of losses & foreign settlements & exile. Can anyone here help me understand the positive side of the 12th house & the positive traits in ppl going through the dasha of a 12 house planet ?
MY VIEWS : The answer to the question is not a straight forward one and one need to understand it as I explain it step by step.
In KP Vedic astrology one understands the significance of a house from its sublord and it do not consider the number of planets placed in that house.
According to KP Vedic astrology a planet gives results of it nakshatra lord and the planet itself becomes the source of it and the sublord shows the quality of the event.
Although the 12th house in Vedic astrology is known as a house of losses & foreign settlements & exile BUT it do not guarantee that the mahadasha of the 12th house planet will always signify the 12th house only, it can signify any other house also.
So, it is a wrong understand that the 12th house planet during their mahadasha period will give the results of 12th house negatives only.
In KP Vedic astrology it’s the combination of the houses as the significances of a planet that gives the results.
So 12th house combining with other houses will give results during their mahadasha ruling period ONLY IF THE EVENT SIGNIFIED BY THE PLANET IS A PROMISE IN THE HOROSCOPE.
For example : 12th house is expenses and so combining with 4th house will give the native a chance to buy property, vehicle, spend money on home repairing, buying furniture for home, buying books, spending for celebration at home etc etc.
The combination of the 12th house with 2nd house will give the native an opportunity to do investments.
The 12th house with 6th house combination makes a doctor, one can work in hospital, a job that will involving travelling, a job dealing with MNC companies, import export kind of career etc.
The 12th in combination with 8th house will give an inclination in occultism, spiritualism, astrology, reiki etc etc.
12th house in combination with 10th house will give a person to work in MNC companies and small projects which keeps on changing.
So, one can also see the positive side of the 12th house planet mahadasha period if it signifies this combination in its signification.